DCPLH v Bargo Developments Pty Ltd (in liquidation), Craig Matthew Adams and others

January 15, 2019 4:07:06 AM AEDT | Current projects DCPLH v Bargo Developments Pty Ltd (in liquidation), Craig Matthew Adams and others

revised in part on 15 and 16 December 2020 by Mark Smith DCPLH v Bargo Developments Pty Ltd (in liquidation) The matter involves the liquidation of Bargo Developments Pty Ltd, the liquidator’s investigations, any claw-backs of preference payments and/or any uncommercial transactions and more. The matter also involves litigation in the matter known as Kesinda […] Share this: Tweet WhatsApp More Print

revised in part on 15 and 16 December 2020 by Mark Smith

Bargo was the one-time owner of 632 Old Northern Rd, Dural NSW purchased from Mohan Kumar (under POA, executed by Ralph Paligaru).

DCPLH is the assignee of the secured debts of Mohan Kumar, Reliance Leasing, and Ralph & Amreeta Paligaru (owners of Dural Alliances Pty Ltd).

Together DCPLH is owed some $6,000,000+ as assignee of these debts (i.e. the Kumar assigned debt and the Paligaru/Dural Alliances assigned debt).

To discuss this project, litigation funding, Bargo, Craig Adams, Australasian, Ralph Paligaru or others – call anytime on 1300-327123.

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Written By: Mark Smith